Mo 7 november 2005, 3h-3h:
Introduction to the course.
Decision under certainty, risk and uncertainty.
Games in strategic form.
Game form.
quadro concettuale (conceptual framework, in Italian)
Tu 8 november 2005, 3h-6h:
Domination between strategies (three types of domination, just two names! domination and weak domination).
Dominating strategies.
Prisoner's dilemma.
Dominated strategies and iterated elimination of dominated strategies. Common knowledge of rationality.
Nash equilibrium, definition.
Properties and problems of Nash equilibria.
Best reply. Nash equilibrium as a fixed point for the best reply correspondence.
Mixed strategies and Nash's theorem.
exercises, sheet no. 1
Mo 14 november 2005, 3h-9h:
Games in extensive form and strategies.
Subgame perfect equilibrium. The extensive form matters.
Battle of the sexes: looking for equilibria in mixed strategies.
Tu 15 november 2005, 3h-12h:
Duopoly (Cournot).
Battle of the sexes: looking for equilibria in mixed strategies.
Correlated equilibria.
Introduction to games with incomplete information.
Types and beliefs.
A game tree representing a game with incomplete information.
Consistent beliefs.
Agreeing to disagree.
exercises, sheet no. 2
In my home page you can find some additional notes (in Italian) referring to correlated equilibria and to "agreeing to disagree".
Mo 21 november 2005, 2h-14h:
Repeated games, with finite and infinite horizon.
exercises, sheet no. 3
Tu 22 november 2005, 3h-17h:
Best reply dynamics, fictitious play.
ESS: evolutionary models.
Mo 28 november 2005, 2h-19h:
To lend or not to lend: role of binding agreements.
The social contract and the creation of social surplus.
Social choice: Arrow's theorem.
Mo 28 november 2005, 3h-22h:
Implementation in Nash equilibrium.
Direct mechanisms, truthful implementation and revelation principle.
King Solomon's dilemma.
Mo 5 december 2005, Fragnelli, 3h-25h:
Bargaining and cooperative games.
notes by Fragnelli
Tu 6 december 2005, Fragnelli, 3h-28h:
Bargaining and cooperative games.
exercises, sheet no. 4 by Fragnelli
The subjects covered by the course can be found, treated in a similar way, in the following sources: Myerson, Roger B.: Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict Osborne, Martin and Ariel Rubinstein: A course in Game Theory Additional basic references are (Owen is particularly useful for cooperative games; however, notes on this part will be made available by Fragnelli): Binmore, Ken: Fun and games Dutta, Prajit K.: Strategies and Games: Theory and Practice Gibbons, Robert: A Primer in Game Theory Owen, Guillermo: Game Theory See the web page: for details on the books that were quoted and for further references. At the URL: can be found a short course on game theory, completely video-recorded.